Monday, March 28, 2011

Why I Use a Manual Typewriter

Check out this website I found at

A great essay about using a manual typewriter. (Not written by me.)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pages are Variable in the 21st Century

If you are going to offer authors copyediting or other publishing services, please don't quote prices in terms of pages. I have no idea what the page-length is for any of my novels. I'm certain I don't care. I'm certain that if I knew it would tell me nothing of value. Yes, if I format the work for a standard submis

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Red Box Adventures

Since the age of 13, I've been playing role-playing games, mostly as a referee or game master. Over those 22 years I have also designed a few games myself. My love for role-playing games is actually a bit older than my love of fantasy fiction. Unless you count superhero comics. Today I am presenting to you the

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fast Drafting: The New Process

Some might say that what I call order is the rearranging of deck chairs on the USS Total Chaos. One man's madness is, well, madness. Anyway, as a reminder: I have dreamt up a better way for me to write my rough drafts, which I'm calling "fast drafting" because I like giving things names. (I also love creating systems.)

Part 2 about my Fast Drafting process.

Fast Drafting: The Old Way

I like my first drafts rough, exquisitely rough. Brillo pad. Chin of Chuck Norris. First season of Stargate SG-1. I know most writers have to get things written up mostly right before they can move on. I get that. I wish I could do the same, but that's not how I work best. Too often I try to be like most writers

My first post in a series on my new method for writing my first drafts.