Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Keys to Conan: Blood and Thunder on the Underwood No. 5

[caption id="attachment_722" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Underwood No. 5 in the REH Museum"][/caption] You might think the new Conan movie inspired this article. Alas, you would be wrong. Its source is my immense appreciation of Robert E. Howard’s work and my love affair with vintage manual typewriters

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The World of Kaiwen

It may not be blatantly obvious to you, dear reader, not at this point anyway, but The Storm Dragon's Heart (SDH) and Wrath of the White Tigress (WWT) are set on the same world: Kaiwen, Kawan, Qawin, and other various spellings appropriate to the respective languages of the planet. I've written six novels, and only one

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Like Johnny Quest in Fantasy Asia”: The Storm Dragon’s Heart

If you've always thought Avatar: The Last Airbender needed a shot of Johnny Quest vibe, this here's the book for you! The Storm Dragon's Heart Turesobei dreamed of adventure, a way to prove he was no longer a child. Wizards should be careful what they wish for. Destined to become his clan's next high

Monday, July 18, 2011

White Tigress Now On Kindle!

Wrath of the White Tigress is now available on Amazon! Read a sample on Kindle for the Web! He thought he was a hero. She showed him the truth. Now he'll do anything to stop the man who made him a monster. For twenty years Jaska Bavadi has faith­fully served the Palymfar Order and its Grandmaster, the power

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The White Tigress Comes For You!

Galactus would never select me. I'm a terrible herald. Norrin Radd I am not, though I, too, seek Shalla-Bal. I have been sitting on important news, failing to alert you, dear reader and friend, that my novel of heroic sword and sorcery adventure, Wrath of the White Tigress, will soon debut as the first novel from Typin

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why I Use a Manual Typewriter

Check out this website I found at

A great essay about using a manual typewriter. (Not written by me.)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pages are Variable in the 21st Century

If you are going to offer authors copyediting or other publishing services, please don't quote prices in terms of pages. I have no idea what the page-length is for any of my novels. I'm certain I don't care. I'm certain that if I knew it would tell me nothing of value. Yes, if I format the work for a standard submis

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Red Box Adventures

Since the age of 13, I've been playing role-playing games, mostly as a referee or game master. Over those 22 years I have also designed a few games myself. My love for role-playing games is actually a bit older than my love of fantasy fiction. Unless you count superhero comics. Today I am presenting to you the

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fast Drafting: The New Process

Some might say that what I call order is the rearranging of deck chairs on the USS Total Chaos. One man's madness is, well, madness. Anyway, as a reminder: I have dreamt up a better way for me to write my rough drafts, which I'm calling "fast drafting" because I like giving things names. (I also love creating systems.)

Part 2 about my Fast Drafting process.

Fast Drafting: The Old Way

I like my first drafts rough, exquisitely rough. Brillo pad. Chin of Chuck Norris. First season of Stargate SG-1. I know most writers have to get things written up mostly right before they can move on. I get that. I wish I could do the same, but that's not how I work best. Too often I try to be like most writers

My first post in a series on my new method for writing my first drafts.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

About Me

I’m a scrib­bler and pod­caster who loves pulp sto­ries, espe­cially sword & sor­cery tales. My favorites are the dark, edgy ones, along the lines of Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane nov­els. It’s hard to find such sto­ries, so I write them. I call my style Dag­gers & Dev­il­try. Because it sounds cool and appro­pri­ate.

I live in Birm­ing­ham, Alabama. My favorite sub­jects out­side of writ­ing are Dao­ism, Tai­ji­quan, pro­fes­sional foot­ball, Crim­son Tide foot­ball, ancient his­tory, diet, and fitness.

I enjoy play­ing and design­ing role-playing games. In fact, my love of pulp fan­tasy began in 1990 when a copy of the Storm­bringer role-playing game (4th edi­tion with a cover by Michael Whe­lan) caught my eye in a comic book shop just out­side of Eglin Air Force Base in Val­paraiso, Florida. Years of read­ing Michael Moor­cock, David Gem­mell, Fritz Leiber, Robert E. Howard, and oth­ers fol­lowed. Embrac­ing inter­ests aroused by the genre, I stud­ied his­tory, lit­er­a­ture, and reli­gion at the Uni­ver­sity of Alabama.

I don’t travel much, but I reli­giously attend Dragon*Con in Atlanta each year. If you’re going to be there, drop me an email. We’ll gather and chat a bit.

Best wishes,
David Alastair Hayden